
Laura Malcolmson recounts sayings copied from an old Shetlan...

Date 14 April 1973
Track ID 30098
Part 1

Track Information

Original Track ID

SA1973.63.B1.47 - SA1973.63.B1.54

Original Tape ID



Laura Malcolmson recounts sayings copied from an old Shetland book:

When da rain geese [red-throated diver] taks tae da sea, cryin, "Mair weet an waar [worse] wedder," den men draw your boats tae da lee. But whan da rain geese taks ta da hill, den draw doon your boats and ging whar you will.

An egg i da banks [cliffs] at Buggle Day [17 March], is a bird i da banks at Beltane [1 May}.

First comes Candlesmas and den da new mune, neest comes Fasteren's E'en [first day of Lent], be it ever sae shune [soon].

A fat Yule [Christmas] is a poor Fasteren's E'en.

Hit's a braw wife at brings but quat's [what is] no ben. [A but and ben is a two-roomed house.]

Better rue sit than rue flit. [Better to sit tight than to change for something worse.]

Whan da worm moves hit's wise ta flit [move]. [Worms sense danger and move.]

Recording Location

County - Shetland

Parish - Dunrossness

Island - Shetland Mainland

Item Location

County - Shetland

Parish - Cunningsburgh

Island - Shetland Mainland

Village/Place - Cunningsburgh





Source Type

Reel to reel

Audio Quality
