I'm No Comin Oot the Noo
fiosrachadh a' chlàraidh
Àireamh a' Chlàir Thùsail
Àireamh an Teip Thùsail
In this comic music-hall song, the singer has asked Jeannie MacKay out, but is unable to leave the house as his mother has pawned his clothes. He is later put in prison for not paying for a coat he bought. In this "grand hotel" he is bothered by fleas in his bed and tries applying Keating's Powder; echoing his own words to Jeannie MacKay, the fleas tell him, "We're no comin oot the noo."
Belle Stewart learned the song around six to eight months previously from Tommy Bonthrone, who works in London.
Notaichean a' Chlàir
3 verses of 5 lines, with a chorus of 4 lines; hesitation during verse 2 - tape stops, and singer resumes again from start of verse 2. Music-hall song.
'Come Gie's a Sang' (S. Douglas, 1995) pp. 94-95
'Till Doomsday in the Afternoon' (E. MacColl & P. Seeger, 1986) pp. 266-268
Àite Clàraidh
Siorrachd - Siorrachd Pheairt
Paraiste - Blàr Ghobharaidh
Baile/Àite - Blàr Ghobharaidh
Beurla, Albais
Cruth Inneal a' Chlàir
Reel to reel
Càileachd an Fhuaime
Meadhanach Math