There were many poets in Balephuil at one time, and they use...
Track Information
Original Track ID
SA1969.165.A2a; SA1969.165.A2b; SA1969.165.A2c
Original Tape ID
There were many poets in Balephuil at one time, and they used to meet and exchange lampooning verses.
There used to be many poets in Balephuil. It was known as the township of the poets. One was Sandy MacDonald, also known as Alasdair Mòr or Alasdair mac Nèill 'ic Lachlainn. He was a small man, his father was called Neil, and his grandfather Lachlan. The poets used to gather in one house and entertain each other by exchanging lampooning verses.
Item Subject/Person
MacDonald, Sandy [Alasdair Mòr] [Alasdair mac Nèill 'ic Lachlainn]
Recording Location
County - Argyllshire
Island - Tiree
Parish - Tiree
Item Location
County - Argyllshire
Island - Tiree
Parish - Tiree
Village/Place - Balephuil
English, Gaelic
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality