Projects and Events
Community Events
We work in collaboration with community groups as much as possible to organise events where we can present the recordings in the areas from which they originate and to demonstrate how to use the website in the most effective way. We also use these events as opportunities to find contributors, or their next of kin, so that we can obtain permission for their recordings to be made available online. It is very rewarding to meet contributors and relatives of contributors, and to hear about the personal connections they have with the recordings.
We have organised events with groups from lots of different areas including Tiree, Applecross, South Uist, North Uist, Lewis, Farr, Barra, Sutherland, Inverness and North Skye.
Our most recent community event was held in South Uist in April 2024 where we worked with Ceòlas to organise a concert. A host of local talent performed at the 'Dualchas Uibhist' concert, in what proved to be a memorable evening. The event brought together musicians, singers, dancers, and pupils from Daliburgh School. Drawing inspiration from local sources, and especially those available on the Tobar an Dualchais/Kist o Riches website, the event was full of community spirit, Gaelic, heritage and warmth.