First name Ben
Second name Calder
YOB 1922
YOD 2000

Native Area

County - Caithness

Parish - Olrig

Village/Place - Castletown

Person ID 10839


Benjamin (Ben) Calder (1922-2000) was born in Castletown, Caithness and, along with his brother John Calder, was a well-known fiddle player. He was surrounded by music growing up; his father and brothers playing the fiddle, and one of his sisters the accordion.

He served in World War II; his only prolonged spell outside of Caithness. Upon his return, he married Iona Mackenzie and had six children. Ben's children grew up listening to their father's and uncle's music, which they played often and especially for family events and Hogmanay.

'The Calder Brothers' became well known in the local area for their music and over the years they played together at local concerts, ceilidhs, and other events. They also played with other musicians as part of various bands and had a regular Saturday night spot at the Northern Sands Hotel in Dunnet for a few years, playing alongside Adam Black on keyboard and Peter Sutherland on the accordion.

The brothers were members of the Thurso and Dounreay Strathspey and Reel Society from its inception in the late 1970s and they also belonged to the Thurso Accordion and Fiddle Club.

Ben and John were recorded in 1969 by Alan J. Bruford of the School of Scottish Studies.