First name John
Second name MacDonald
Alternative Name John MacDonald
Nickname Iain Mòr Mhic Càidh
Patronymic Iain Mhurchaidh Dhòmhnaill Dhuibh

Native Area

County - Ross and Cromarty

Parish - Uig

Island - Great Bernera

Village/Place - Kirkibost

Person ID 1117


A well-known traditional singer who appears on the 'Clò Dubh, Clò Donn' CD, which was released by the School of Scottish Studies on the Greentrax label. His grandmother was 'Mòr a' Cheannaiche', named in the port-à-beul 'Dòmhnall Dubh an Dòmhnallaich a-nochd an tòir air Mòr a' Cheannaiche'. Dòmhnall Dubh was his grandfather.