Hey Ca' Thro'
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
This boat song encourages fellow fisherfolk to work hard and finish their labour, so as to enjoy the benefits. It offers the same philosophical advice to future generations.
Item Notes
Recorded at the Kinross TMSA Festival. Robert Burns is said to have collected this song (which he probably then modified) as he was returning to Edinburgh from Kinross via Fife in 1787. It was first published in 'The Scots Musical Museum' (vol. 4, p. 405, no. 392).
The places mentioned in the song (Dysart, Buckhaven, Leven, Largo) were all fishing villages in Burns' day, and this boat song may have been sung as fishing boats were hauled up onto the beach. It would certainly appear that the song was inspired by the tune 'The Carls o Dysart'.
There is apparently an additional traditional verse which goes:
Never break your heart for love,
Just turn the boat about.
There's as gude fish i' the sea
As ever yet cam' out.
Hey, ca' thro' ...
Recording Location
County - Kinross-shire
Parish - Kinross
Village/Place - Kinross
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality