Cant words for groups of people.
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
Cant words for groups of people.
The Travellers called the townspeople of Aberdeen 'scaldies'. Another word for people was 'hantle'.
'Bucks', 'burr-boys' or 'shulas' were people who took to the road and tried to follow the Travellers' way of life.
The Travellers were known as 'nyaakins'. Hamish Henderson mentions 'dechs' which Jeannie Robertson translates as 'country yokels', from their eating big dechs of meal. They were also called 'neeps'. Hamish reminds her about another word for yokels, 'ruchies'. The farmers were likewise called 'dechs'.
Item Notes
'Hantle' is a Scots word for a large number. With 'burr-boys', cf. English slang 'burr' (a hanger-on). With 'shula', cf. Hiberno-English 'shuler' (a tramp, from Irish). With 'dech', cf. Scots 'daich' (dough). 'Neep' is Scots for 'turnip'. 'Ruch' is Central Scots for 'rough' (cf. North-Eastern 'roch').
Recording Location
County - Aberdeenshire
Parish - Aberdeen
Village/Place - Aberdeen
Scots, Traveller Cant (Scots/Romani)
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality