Nighean a chunnaic bòcan air Èiseabhal.
Track Information
Original Tape ID
A girl from Smerclete lived with her father and brother. She was in Donald Ferguson's house late one evening to buy paraffin. She headed home via Èiseabhal. Suddenly she saw a strange dog, which changed into a man. The girl fainted. When she came round, her late mother was in front of her, and she took her hand and helped her to stand up. There was no sign of the dog or the man. Her mother continued following the girl. She heard the sound of a melodeon, and commented that the music was beautiful. Her mother replied that this was nothing compared with the music in Heaven when Ann, the daughter of Neil, arrived there. She told the girl she was fortunate that she was able to help her, and warned her never to take that road again alone. The mother then disappeared.
Recording Location
County - Inverness-shire
Island - South Uist
Parish - South Uist
Village/Place - Frobost
Item Location
County - Inverness-shire
Island - South Uist
Parish - South Uist
Village/Place - Smerclete
"Càit a mhic an deamhain," ars ise, "a bheil thu dol? An ann a dh'ithe nan caorach a tha thu a' dol?"
Mun do leig i am facal às a beul, bha e na dhuine air a beulaibh. Uill, thuit an nighean ann an neul ann a shin fhèin, agus ge brith gu dè an ùine a bha i ann, dh'fhairich i rud fuaraidh ma beul, agus dh'fhosgail i a sùilean, agus bha a màthair ma coinneamh, agus rug i air làimh oirre, 's thuirt i: "Èirich a ghaoil," ars ise.
Dh'èirich an nighean, agus cha robh... chan fhaca iad sìon tuilleadh. Chan fhaca i... [???] cù no duine nuair a dh'èirich i, no a dhùisg i, agus bha a màthair ga leantail, agus... Chuala i seothach... Chuala i seo meileòidean ag obair shìos ann an taigh air choreigin, agus thuirt i: "Nach brèagha an ceòl a tha siud."
"Ò seadh," ars ise. "Ach suarach e," ars ise, "ris a' cheòl a bh' ann am Flaitheanas an oidhche a ràinig Anna Nighean Nèill. Ach na bi thusa a' gabhail an rathad sa idir tuilleadh," ars ise, "agus bha feum agad ormsa a-nochd, agus na bi a' gabhail an rathad sa uair sam bith leat fhèin."
'S dh'fhalbh i às an t-sealladh, mar gum biodh ann am priobadh na sùl.
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality