For Love
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
The singer saw her lover standing at the stable door combing his hair. His lovely hair enticed her. She will not give his name. She has picked the roses and violets but didn't realise how painful love could be. She has seen him go off to another. When she was young and slender he followed her but now she is pregnant he has left her for a richer girl, who she says will get the same treatment that she has received. She will go to Aberdeen and snub him but she will not tell his name. When she dies she wishes her grave dug wide and deep, with a turtle dove at her head and feet. The song's refrain laments that he is leaving her for someone he has never known.
Willie Mathieson learned this song from Annie Massie, maid at East Toddlehills, when he was about fifteen.
Item Notes
Text and music transcribed in School of Scottish Studies. 9 verses with refrain. The theme of the song is related to 'Died for Love' or 'There is a tavern in the town'. With the first line, cf. 'Lord Lovel' (Child 75).
Greig-Duncan vol. 6, pp. 377-379
Willie Mathieson's MSS I:41
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality