Calum Ruadh Nicolson, Skye crofter, describes himself.
Track Information
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Calum Ruadh Nicolson, Skye crofter, describes himself.
Calum Ruadh Nicolson is in his 66th year [in 1968], enjoying life and happy to have people visit him. He likes singing and composing songs.
He discusses why he is a crofter, like generations before him, and talks about his ancestry and the status of crofters over the years. He is thought of as a bard locally, not a crofter. Strangers are more sympathetic to bards than local people. He has a lack of respect for landed gentry, although he did not suffer at their hands like his father's generation.
Calum also talks about education and explains how his family is a proud family.
Item Subject/Person
Nicolson, Calum [Calum Ruadh]
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality