
Sharing crofts and houses, and a description of the old crof...

Date 07 April 1973
Track ID 19170
Part 1

Track Information

Original Track ID


Original Tape ID



Sharing crofts and houses, and a description of the old croft house.

There were eighteen crofts in Balemore, North Uist, and thirty six families. Fathers divided their crofts among their children. If there were two married sons, one normally lived with his parents: the other built a house on the croft. An extra room was built onto the parents' house.

The houses were small and the families large, with five or six sleeping in one room. Everyone sat round the only fire, which was sometimes in the middle of the floor. The kitchen was the main room, and each house would have two or three bedrooms. The kitchen would be in the middle of the house, with bedrooms at either end plus the 'clòsaid' [closet].

The parents slept at the east end of the house, which was warmer. Doors faced east or north. Some houses had two doors, facing north and south. Over one hundred years ago, the byre was at one end of house, with a stone wall partition.

Item Location

County - Inverness-shire

Island - North Uist

Parish - North Uist







Source Type

Reel to reel

Audio Quality
