Demonstration of reading cards.
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
Demonstration of reading cards.
Jean Stewart reads the cards for Kenneth Goldstein. She begins with money, and goes on to a marriage within his circle, and illness or trouble worrying his wife. She also promises him an invitation, a pleasant surprise, money and a journey. She predicts that he will hear of a birth, a death, and a marriage. She tells him he has turned up a lucky card, the nine of hearts. But there is some worry. He says he will tell her later; she asserts that she knows. He asks her to tell; she laughs, and suggests that he has committed some kind of mistake.
She invites him to make a wish, but not for something concrete. She tells him his mind was on a diploma, and challenges him to say how she knew that. [Sound of shuffling cards.] She tells him that if the reading comes true, he will remember her. [Voice grows faint and there are long silences.]
Item Subject/Person
Goldstein, Kenneth
Recording Location
County - Aberdeenshire
Parish - Old Deer
Village/Place - Fetterangus
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality