Mar a thòisich iasgach a' sgadain anns an Eilean Sgitheanach...
Track Information
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How herring fishing started in Skye.
At one time, the only fishing in Skye was from a 'cairidh' (weir) such as one in Snizort. Each parish was allocated a day to fish there and Thursday was Raasay's day. They once caught nothing but saithe three Thursdays in a row, and since then the Raasay people were nicknamed saithe. When the weir was knocked down by factors, fishing in Skye stopped. Boats from the south fished the herring in the area and there were curing stations on the shore. A big, strong southern fisherman picked fights with a man from Skye but the man injured the fisherman. The fisherman called the Skyeman to his boat and offered to teach him to fish and promised to give him a boat and nets.
Recording Location
County - Inverness-shire
Island - Skye
Parish - Portree
Village/Place - Braes
Item Location
County - Inverness-shire
Island - Skye
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality