Duncan Williamson recalls his father telling stories a bit a...
Track Information
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Duncan Williamson recalls his father telling stories a bit at a time on winter nights around the campfire.
Duncan Williamson's father used to tell the children stories a bit at a time on successive nights. They had to do chores such as getting sticks and water and running messages before they would get a story. Storytelling was mostly in the winter. In summer the children were out playing or fishing, but in the winter when it was dark early they used to gather round for a story. When Duncan was a man of twenty-five and married with four children, his father could still tell him a story, and enjoyed telling it as much as he had done when Duncan was three or four. The particular story he has in mind was about a black packman.
Recording Location
County - Argyllshire
Parish - Glassary
Village/Place - Lochgilphead
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality