
The Green Man of Knowledge

Date August 1954
Track ID 3839
Part 1

Track Information

Original Track ID


Original Tape ID



The story of the Green Man of Knowledge, told in brief.

Jack, a widow's son, was simple and played cards with his dog. Jack went to push [i.e. seek] his fortune. He followed a signpost to the Land of Enchantment, played cards with the Green Man of Knowledge, and set off to find where the Green Man lived. The Green Man's youngest daughter took the shape of a swan when swimming. Jack won her by picking up her clothes and making her carry him over the river. She helped him to carry out three tasks that the Green Man of Knowledge set him. If he succeeded he was to receive his freedom, wealth, and his choice of the daughters in marriage. He had to choose a horse, but the girl warned him to take the old mule. He rode off on it: it was the girl. Her family pursued them. In her left ear was a magic drop of water, shard of stone, and spark of fire, which produced rivers and lakes, mountains, and fire to obstruct their pursuers. Her people died in the fire, and she turned into a woman again. But she had to leave him for a year. Nobody was to kiss him or he would forget everything. However, when he got home, his dog licked him, and he forgot. He got engaged to the miller's daughter. A year after he came home, a tattered girl came to the door with a talking wooden cock and hen. The conversation of the birds led Jack to recognise his former sweetheart. Jack married her instead of the miller's daughter.

Recording Location

County - Aberdeenshire

Parish - Aberdeen

Village/Place - Aberdeen









Source Type

Reel to reel

Audio Quality
