
Lizzie Higgins saw a water kelpie in the River Dee one May D...

Track Information

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Lizzie Higgins saw a water kelpie in the River Dee one May Day.

Lizzie Higgins was walking alone near Drum Castle on 1st May around 11.30 a.m. She heard splashing in a backwater of the River Dee. Parting the willows, she saw a naked, hairy form, neither human nor animal, with long hair, bathing in the water. She ran to Kydd's farm. [Pause to turn tape.] The farmer and his sons and farmworkers told her fearsome tales about sprites and nymphs in that part of the river. Mrs Kydd told her she had seen the water kelpie. They took her to the gamekeeper, Mr Fraser, who told her more such stories. She was advised to avoid that stretch of the river, especially on May Day. Lizzie was about sixteen or seventeen at the time.

Item Subject/Person

Higgins, Lizzie

Item Location

County - Aberdeenshire

Village/Place - River Dee





Source Type

Reel to reel

Audio Quality
