A Shetland man escaped the press gang by fleeing to an islet...
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
A Shetland man escaped the press gang by fleeing to an islet in the middle of a loch.
Geordie Morrison tells the story of Joseph Hunter, an elder brother of John Hunter, the last to be evicted from Weisdale. Joseph was pursued by the press gang from his home at Scarpigarth over the Weisdale Hill to a loch known as Maa Water, which has a small holm [islet] reached by stepping stones.
Hunter made it to the holm, and the first of the press gang was tricked by the zig-zagging stones, fell in and drowned. The others turned back.
Item Notes
'Maa' or 'maw' is Scots for 'seagull'.
Item Subject/Person
Hunter, Joseph
Recording Location
County - Shetland
Island - Shetland Mainland
Parish - Whiteness
Village/Place - Cova
Item Location
County - Shetland
Island - Shetland Mainland
Parish - Weisdale
Village/Place - Scarpigarth
English, Scots
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality