Hap and Row
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
A fragment of the song 'Hap and Row':
Hap an row, hap an row,
Hap an row, the feeties o't,
I didna ken I had a geet [offspring]
Till I heard the greeties [cries] o't.
I pit on a little pan
For tae mak the meaties o't,
The little pan it fell doon
And burnt aa the feetie's o't.
Item Notes
1 verse of 4 lines with chorus before and after. Piano accompaniment by Jean Stewart.
The song to which this fragment belongs tells of a woman's baby whose feet are accidentally burned by a falling pot [in some cases a burning coal or cinder]. The feet are then wrapped in a cap. This is one of many variants on the traditional 'Hap and Row'.
'Tocher' 14 (1974) p. 211
Greig-Duncan vol. 7, p. 233, no. 1398
'Scottish Nursery Rhymes' (N. & W. Montgomerie, 1946) p. 82
'Doh Ray Me, When Ah Wis Wee' (E. McVicar, 2007) pp. 212-213
Recording Location
County - Aberdeenshire
Parish - Old Deer
Village/Place - Fetterangus
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality