
Simple John was rewarded for his kindness to a stranger and...

Date December 1959
Track ID 56059
Part 1
Part 2

Track Information

Original Track ID


Original Tape ID



Simple John was rewarded for his kindness to a stranger and rescued a princess and his brothers.

A poor widow had three sons. The eldest asked her to make him a bannock and a collop [slice of meat] and went off to seek his fortune. When he sat down beside a well to rest, drink and eat, a little old man appeared and asked him for some food. The young man refused, and the old man jumped into the well so that he couldn't drink from it. The young man passed through a forest and came to a palace. There he was imprisoned and set to hard labour. The widow's second son went to look for his brother, and exactly the same things happened to him.

John, the widow's youngest son, was a simpleton. He went after his brothers to seek his fortune. When he came to the well and the old man appeared, John gave him half his food. In return, the old man promised to help John whenever he was in danger. John came to the palace, and after a great fight, killed the man who tried to imprison him. He found a princess locked up, rescued her and his brothers, and went home with all the gold and silver from the palace.

Recording Location

County - Aberdeenshire

Parish - Old Deer

Village/Place - Fetterangus







Source Type

Reel to reel

Audio Quality
