A beggar dreamed of a white lady leading him to treasure in...
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
A beggar dreamed of a white lady leading him to treasure in the dungeons of a castle.
A beggar took shelter for the night in an old unoccupied castle. After he lay down for the night a white lady appeared to him, saying that if he followed her she would lead him to a great fortune. The beggar woke up and lit his candle, but could see nobody. He lay down to sleep again and the white lady appeared again. The third time she appeared the beggar followed her. She led him down into the dungeons of the castle and showed him a box which she said was full of gold sovereigns. Just as the beggar went to open the box the white lady disappeared. It was all a dream.
Recording Location
County - Aberdeenshire
Parish - Old Deer
Village/Place - Fetterangus
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality