Sgeulachd os-nàdarra mu Fhearchar agus cailleach.
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
A supernatural story about Fearchar and a woman.
Fearchar was herding animals on an island. He had a very good dog called Sharp. A young girl came into his house and sat by the fire. The dog growled, and she removed a hair from her head and asked Fearchar to tie it up with it. He realised then that this was not a good woman, and so he only pretended to do so.
The girl began to grow, thinking she was safe from the dog. Fearchar commented on this, and she replied, "Chan eil a ghaoil, ach m' iteagan 's m' oiteagan ag èirigh ris a' bhlàths." He said this another two times and on the third saying she attacked him. Fearchar called the dog and it savaged her. When Fearchar next went home, a woman nearby had suffered bad injuries. She was the mother of a girl he had jilted.
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality