
The Laird of Skene tried to escape from his pact with the De...

Track ID 65152
Part 1

Track Information

Original Track ID


Original Tape ID



The Laird of Skene tried to escape from his pact with the Devil, but was drowned, and his body disappeared.

There is a legend about Skene Castle, a few miles from Aberdeen. There was once a Laird of Skene who was a warlock. There used to be a lot of covens in that area, the one at Lumphanan being the biggest. The laird had made a pact with the Devil. One night in winter the laird and his lady were coming back to the castle in a coach across the frozen loch. The Devil was pursuing the coach, and the laird knew he had to reach the castle before midnight struck. The coach was only a few yards from safety when midnight struck, the pact with the Devil was broken, and the ice cracked. The driver jumped clear, but the coach and horses sank into the loch with the laird and lady. The bodies were recovered and put in a vault in the castle guarded by four soldiers, but they disappeared and were never found. The soldiers were sent to prison for selling the bodies, though they strongly denied this.

This legend is popular on Deeside and Donside. Stanley Robertson heard it from his father and grandfather. The Travellers used to camp in that area and knew the legend.

Item Subject/Person

Laird of Skene

Item Location

County - Aberdeenshire

Parish - Skene





Source Type

Reel to reel

Audio Quality
