John Williamson made a serum to cure smallpox in the early s...
Unknown Person
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John Williamson made a serum to cure smallpox in the early seventeenth century.
John Williamson, known by the nickname Johnny Notions, was born in Yell in the early seventeenth century. He lived for a time at Esha Ness. He made a sculpture of a head, which is in the old Haa of Tangwick, the ancestral seat of the Cheynes. Williamson was working on a serum to cure smallpox. Brucie Henderson lists the ingredients, including slaters [woodlice], snails, seaweed, and butter, and describes the method used to prepare the serum and store it until it reached the required state of maturity. His serum saved thousands of lives. Many people died of smallpox on Foula, and Williamson was sent for. He injected sixteen people with his serum and they all lived. Williamson later moved to North Yell, where he is buried in the churchyard.
Brucie tells how he found this out from Laurie Laurenson whom he met when he was in Lerwick being interviewed by three men, one a Swede and the others of Shetland descent, about Johnny Notions and other Shetland matters.
Item Subject/Person
Williamson, John [Johnny Notions]
Recording Location
County - Shetland
Item Location
County - Shetland
Island - Yell
Parish - Yell
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality