Fear aig nach robh sgeulachd idir
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
The man who had no stories.
A traveller asks for night's lodging in a house where the owner is a good storyteller. The traveller is asked to tell a story, but says he has none. He is given a bed in a closet where there is a carcase of a sheep hanging. As he is falling asleep, the man sees two men come in to steal the carcase. He sets off in pursuit, as he fears he will be accused of theft. He falls in the river but manages to hold on to a tree on the bank. He has to stay there all night. In the morning, he cannot get out of the river and is unable to shout. Eventually, he manages to shout, and wakens holding on to the bedclothes. His host says that if the man had no story before he will have one now.
Item Notes
'Stories from South Uist' (Angus MacLellan, trans. by John L. Campbell, 1961) p. 201
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality