One, Two, Three A-learie/Are You Going to Golf, Sir?/The Barnyards o' Delgaty/Jelly on the Plate/Old King Cole was a Merry Old Soul
Track Information
Original Track ID
Original Tape ID
Children's songs and rhymes, some used in singing games:
(1) 'One, Two, Three A-learie' [song]
(2) Song beginning, "Oh soldier, soldier, won't you marry me ..."
(3) 'One, Two, Three A-learie' [song]
(4) 'Are You Going to Golf, Sir?' [rhyme]
(5) 'The Barnyards o' Delgaty' [bothy song]
(6) 'Jelly on the Plate' [rhyme]
(7) 'Old King Cole was a Merry Old Soul' [rhyme]
(8) Rhyme beginning, "Mickey Mouse came into my house ..."
(9) Rhyme beginning, "Jean-Pean frae Aiberdeen ..."
(10) Rhyme beginning, "Jean-Pean frae Aiberdeen ..."
(11) Rhyme beginning, "Warning once, warning twice, warning three times over ..."
(12) 'I Sent a Letter to My Love' [rhyme]
(13) Song beginning, "Down by the riverside the green grass grows ..."
(14) 'Two Little Dicky Birds' [rhyme]
Recording Location
County - Aberdeenshire
Parish - Strichen
Village/Place - Strichen
Item Location
County - Aberdeenshire
Parish - Turriff
Village/Place - Delgaty, Barnyards Farm
English, Scots
Source Type
Reel to reel
Audio Quality